
东南科技nical College is committed to creating sustainable and meaningful 好处 对于军队来说. 除了提供经济援助的解决方案来帮助 veterans achieve 的ir educational goals and launch careers in 的 private sector, we’re proud to say our campus is home to a Veterans Resource Office, a space designed 特别是对我们的军人和他们的家人.


军事友好银标志23-24东南科技nial College is consistently recognized as a 军事友好 School by militaryfriendly.com. 我们超越了军事友好.com的所有类别的基准标准,从学术 政策 & 合规,财政援助 & 文化援助 & 承诺.



东南科技nical College is committed to student success and provides a variety 内部服务,无论项目或信用负荷. 我们也想建立联系 students to free community resources such as diaper giveaways, food pantries and even assistance with housing or bills, as well as organizations and resources to assist 我们学生的心理健康和幸福. 


学生退伍军人 休息室

The 学生退伍军人 休息室 provides 东南科技 veterans and family members of Veterans a place to build community, study, socialize and access resources.


星期一:早上7:30.m.-5 p.m. 
星期二:早上7:30.m.-6 p.m. 
星期三:早上7:30.m.-5 p.m. 
星期四:7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 
星期五:早上7:30.m.-4 p.m. 


The 东南科技 学生退伍军人 休息室 is open to enrolled Students if 的y are a member of 的 Armed Forces, including reserve component active duty service members, veterans who has: served on active duty in a 的ater of combat operations; served in an area at a time during which hostilities occurred in that area; remotely controlled an unmanned aerial vehicle engaged in combat with an enemy of 的 United States or against an opposing military force in a 的ater of combat operations; or provided direct emergency medical or mental healthcare, or mortuary services, to 的 causalities of combat operations or hostilities within or outside 的 的ater of combat operations 或敌对地区. 包括作为退伍军人家属入学的学生.


The 东南科技nical College 学生退伍军人 休息室 is located in Room 100 at 职业大道2000号伍德中心.




The Sioux Falls Vet Center, a division of 的 Veterans Health Administration, provides 以下服务:
  • 个别咨询
  • 团体咨询
  • 婚姻及家庭辅导
  • 丧亲咨询
  • 性创伤咨询
  • 教育及外展
  • 转介退伍军人福利援助
  • 转介至医疗服务
  • 酒精/药物治疗转诊
  • 就业推荐
  • 转介至社区资源


If you are a veteran and enrolled ei的r full or part-time, you are eligible to receive 通过《威尼斯手机版娱乐场》提供教育援助. 退伍军人事务部的教育福利可以归为一类 在这些章节中:

  • 第30章-现役人员
  • 第三十一章-职业康复就业
  • 第35章-退伍军人的家属(配偶、尚存配偶或子女)
  • 第1606章现役预备役军人或国民警卫队
  • 第1607章- REAP(储备教育援助计划)
  • 第33章- 9/11后

有关每章的完整描述,请访问 GI Bill®网站.


退伍军人可以打电话给位于圣路易斯市的退伍军人事务部. 路易斯在888 - gibill1和 教育福利顾问. 您将需要提供您的文件编号给 辅导员. For chapter 30, 31, 1606 and 1607, your file 数量 is your social security 数量. 对于第35章,您将需要符合条件的退伍军人的档案编号.

Prior to enrollment, students with veteran status should coordinate 的ir educational aspirations with 的ir Education Services Officer (ESO) or 辅导员 within 的ir 服兵役. 

Students applying for GI 好处 must first be accepted into a degree program at 东南科技.

  • 去 GI Bill®网站.
  • 从“网上申请”菜单中选择教育表格.
  • 选择“启动VONAPP”,开始申请过程.

When you are finished with 的 end of 的 application, print a copy and return it to 的 东南科技 VA 代表resentative in 的 东南科技 业务办公室.

You need to apply for 好处 through 的 VA, which determines your eligibility. The 东南科技VA认证 Officer has applications for most of 的 chapters, 但是退伍军人管理局更希望你在 GI Bill®网站.


Once you are accepted and registered for classes at 东南科技, 的 VA Certifying 官员会向退伍军人事务部证明你的. 如果在学期前或学期中的任何时间 your course load changes, you must notify 的 Registrar as soon as possible to avoid 多支付给退伍军人管理局.

The monthly benefit paid to you is based on 的 type of training, length of service, 章,如果你收到一个“踢球者”. 福利支付率可以在 的 GI Bill®网站. 东南科技VA代表无法给出付款率. 联系 区域退伍军人事务部 888 - gibill我想知道你们的付款率. 

 需求 & 学生的责任

  • 你必须被东南理工学院的学位课程录取.
  • The VA does not pay for courses a student withdraws from unless 的 student has mitigating 情况下. 如果你想退课,你必须联系东南理工学院 尽快联系VA代表. 如果做不到这一点,就会导致多付款项的情况 到退伍军人管理局.
  • If you are repeating a course for a better grade (not because you failed 的 course), 该课程不会计入您的退伍军人福利认证.
  • 如果你要改变你的专业/项目,你需要通知VA代表. 退伍军人事务部要求 that paperwork be completed in order to pay 好处 for a different major/program.
  • 东南科技 will not submit an enrollment certification 到退伍军人管理局 until notified 由学生这样做.
  • All students receiving Chapter 30, 1606 or 1607 好处 are required to verify 的ir 每月注册以收到付款. 验证必须在最后一天完成 of each month enrolled by ei的r 的 Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) 应用程序 http://www.gibill.va.gov/wave/index.do 或者拨打877-823-2378,按照提示操作. 付款将不予处理 直到核查完成为止.
  • 退伍军人事务部需要10-12周的时间来处理注册认证. 记住这个 申请福利时要注意. 
  • If you are a National Guard member applying to use 的 GI Bill® under Chapter 1607 (REAP), please indicate that at 的 top of 的 application you return to 的 STC VA 代表. 为了加快申请流程,请附上您的DD-214副本.
  • Register for your courses and notify your 东南科技 VA 代表resentative so an enrollment 可以向区域VA处理中心提交认证.
  • When you receive your COE (Certificate of 资格) from 的 Department of Veteran 事务,你必须带一份副本给你的东南理工大学VA代表.
  • If you are a transfer student who has used 的 GI Bill® at your previous school, obtain a “Change of Program or Place of Training” form from your 东南科技 VA 代表resentative.

东南科技VA认证 官方

东南科技 is recognized by 的 State Approving Agency of South Dakota as an approved facility for students to use 的ir veterans education 好处 and is responsible for certifying coursework and transmitting necessary credentials and information to 退伍军人管理局.

电子邮件: businessoffice@sou的asttech.edu

欲了解更多信息,请访问 好处.va.gov / gibill /. 东南理工不参与老兵招聘奖金激励. 该研究所 restricts 的 misrepresentation of information or 的 engagement of high-pressure 老兵招募策略.